Class Offerings

Classes are 50 minutes long and meet at the same time and day for three consecutive weeks.

3-Week Intro Series-$75

Wanna try out pole dance?  We got you!  Our classes are design for the TOTAL beginner.  We break moves down step by step and the class moves a comforting pace.  While you won't be flipping upside down after 3 classes, you will have the confidence to execute beginner spins and poses.



Beginner Pole Series

BeGiNNER Pole Series

Upcoming 3-Week Series

We don't share poles.  So you won't be standing around waiting for your turn, lol.

*Classes are 50 minutes long and meet on the same day of the week for 3 consecutive weeks.

3-Week Session only $75

Pole not your thing? But you still wanna learn some sexy, cheeky, burlesque-inspired routines?  This series is for you.


Tempt n' Tease Series

Tempt N' Tease


*Classes are 45 minutes long and require pre-registration.

Single Class:  $35

Our world is hella crazy and with all the demands placed on woman-folk, we need a soft place to land.  These classes are designed to shift you from always 'doing" to just "being".

Single Classes Offered Weekly

Breathwork Soundbaths
stretching Meditation

Breathe N' Restore

Explore our OFFErINGS

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Address:  2028 S. Michigan Avenue, 1st Floor
Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: 312-549- 9333

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